I really mean a preset. Are they gone now ? If so what happened with the Stockhausen sound set that I bought a couple of years ago ? There are no more presets accessible although they are numbered, see my other post on the subject.By "preset" I'm assuming you mean an MSF instrument. I found that it was very useful to have a default/clean starting preset to use for creating new instruments. Regardless of the complexity of the instrument you have in mind, setting up the FX can be a huge undertaking if starting totally from scratch. So, I found a very simple factory instrument (don't recall which one) and got rid of everything on the sound creation side of things and left the FX as they were. I then saved that and used that for creating a number of instruments with considerable success.
It's well worth the effort (and not all that much work anyway).
Statistics: Posted by mevla — Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:51 pm