Logic - absolutely no regrets, but I'm anxiously awaiting the upgrade that fixes ARA/Melodyne implementation
Live - no regrets
Studio One - no regrets, but I hardly ever use it except specifically for ARA/Melodyne
Cubase - my last upgrade was a couple of versions ago and I don't think I ever actually used it, so yeah, I suppose I could've spent that $99 (or whatever it was) on something more useful, like a couple of cases of Guinness or a nice bottle of port.
Live - no regrets
Studio One - no regrets, but I hardly ever use it except specifically for ARA/Melodyne
Cubase - my last upgrade was a couple of versions ago and I don't think I ever actually used it, so yeah, I suppose I could've spent that $99 (or whatever it was) on something more useful, like a couple of cases of Guinness or a nice bottle of port.
Statistics: Posted by cryophonik — Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:48 pm