Hmm, unusable on 3 different machines is unusual, unless there's some common factor between them? (Other than yourself and CubaseCubase 13 Pro has been unusable on all three of my PC machines.It crashes and locks up constantly. I have no idea what the problem is. I have now given up the fight and think the only solution is to buy a Mac,because I have heard that it works fine on one of those.

Cubase does behave better on Apple Silicon Macs IMO. But it's still not a magic answer - various plugins can still bring it down, and that'll remain the case until Steinberg improves the sandboxing between plugins and the host. With M4 just being released the timing has never been better though, if you're inclined to go in that direction

Statistics: Posted by PAK — Mon Nov 04, 2024 8:37 am