By edit + copy paste of the code, do you mean that you never loaded a plugin in the first place? Good catch, because that's a workflow that wasn't implemented/considered yet. I think a good plan would be to offer a "save-as" like dialog for that workflow, but that doesn't exist yet.Thanks for providing the fix for the multi ins/outs so quickly.
I have installed v0.0.28 a minute ago and added it to a track ...
I can somehow make it load the BandSplitter via "Load" option. Using "Edit" + Copy / Paste of the code the plugin hung itself up. I had to kill BItwig.
Right now, when doing that, it doesn't know where to save it and it should have opened a small modal window that says: `Error: Could not save JSFX document`.
Is it possible that this window spawned underneath another window, making you unable to click it and therefore getting into a stuck state? If you hover over the icon in your taskbar that correspond to the editor, do you perhaps see that second window there?
I wonder if bitwig puts something else over it.
If this is not what happens, what exactly do you mean by getting stuck? Does the audio engine freeze up (if you make sure something is playing before you try this, does it continue playing)? Or does only the UI freeze up? I would really appreciate seeing the last chunk of the file %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bitwig Studio\BitWigStudio.log if it is the former or if you can't locate that dialog window. It might shed some light on what is happening.
Hmm, interesting. I'm unable to reproduce this locally. Which volume slider do you mean? Is it possible to do a screengrab of where I can see this behavior? I'm just using the FX browser at the bottom of the screen and adding outputs there. They default at zero db gain when I add the bands in the splitter.The new outs seem to work. Cool!
But the volume slider is set to -26db by default. Even when I set the slider to 0 db the volume is not turned up. Only after I press reload the volume is turned up.
It does yes. What makes it challenging is that every DAW treats plugins slightly differently. Which is why I really want to hear about problems to be able to fix them. Unfortunately, since I don't own bitwig, I am stuck with a 5.2.x demo which in my testing seems to not have the required reload issue.Hm. Though I'm really interested in using it, the plugin still seems to need a little bit of love ... Anyways great work!
Apologies for all the questions, but I would love to solve these issues
Statistics: Posted by saike — Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:57 pm