I bought an unregistered serial of the first one for $9 and when I registered it it was automatically up'd to version 2. So $50 for this doesn't feel bad. The few dislikes I've had with v2 was mainly the FM engine and overall sound not always having enough "presence" and this version is nicely improved with CPU usage hardly registering. (Which is helpful since the last Windows update has turned off virtual cores and shoves as much as it can on the first core.) Pitch bend is crunching the audio engine, but I'm fairly certain that is because Windows suddenly doesn't want to multi thread since it's also started happening on other plugins as well. e.g. AASThere seems to be a lot of negative comments on this thread. I can understand being a bit put out to be asked to pay 50 for an upgrade, but for me a new buyer, this is an amazing synth.
Its overall sound is quite exceptional and it’s pretty easy to program, given its complexity. The filters sound really good. The FM is up there with the best I’ve heard in a softsynth. The fx sound really damn good too.
There’s a lot to love about this synth.
Statistics: Posted by BBFG# — Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:48 pm