I'm Belgian.are you not a native dutch?
if not, why would you want to live there?
don't you want to live in hamster dam?
note: i have no idea where hamster dam is
3 lingo's here: Dutch (regressive Flanders), French (metropolitan Brussels + rural rust belt with a few large-ish cities), German (tiny rural border area).
AZERTY is default for Belgium as a whole.
All my adult life, I've been wanting to move to the Netherlands (these days, I might prefer Berlin - but that would be far from my elderly mum, who might need my help one day)
(A decades long illness, combined with the fact I didn't get a degree cause I was trying to save my then girlfriend, the fact I had to wait many years for a chance to do IT night school, the fact that my employer paid me peanuts, and finally burnt me out, kept me from realizing my dream)
Hamsterdam is fictional (The Wire), but US West Coast seems to be close to implementing it, with their half hearted attempts to cure homelessness that has become highly visible and (together with drugs, and the war that exacerbates drug related problems) is becoming highly problematic for many citizens.
Statistics: Posted by cptgone — Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:15 am